The Wages page calculates how much and by what method you were paid for the week you are claiming.  Please fill out each required field, marked with an * (asterisk).


Once you are finished, click ‘Next’ to continue.


What is a Special Hourly Rate of Pay?

A special hourly rate of pay is a different rate of pay than your normal hourly rate.  For example, a special hourly rate of pay could be an increase in pay for working overtime, a shift differential or working on a holiday.


What if I have received multiple forms of wages?


You can report multiple forms of wages paid by a single employer by clicking the check boxes corresponding to each type of wage received.     


If you have additional rates of pay beyond your normal hourly rate pay and a special hourly rate of pay, such as a Nurse covering three shifts all at different rates, please utilize the 'Other' box to enter a lump sum for the amount not covered in the other boxes reported.  Provide a brief explanation for the lump sum payment.



What if I don't know the value of my other types of wages?


Other forms of payment, such as but not limited to Room and Board, will be determined at fair market value. Payments such as Stipends will equal the amount earned during the week for which you are filing for benefits.

If you are unsure of the amount and unable to provide a reasonable estimate, please check the 'NO' radio button indicating 'I am not sure how many hours I worked or how much I earned.'  Someone from this department will contact you to assist with determining the amount of earnings for the week. Benefit payment cannot be made until the amount of earnings is determined.