Adding new employment


If you have new employment, you will be directed to the Employment page, where you can enter the details of your position.  All questions marked by an * (asterisk) on this page are mandatory.


Being a sole proprietor, partner, director or corporate officer of a company usually means you have made a financial investment and, therefore, own all or part of the company, or you are or were employed in a position responsible for making decisions about layoffs and/or closing of the company.


If you had a pension or a 401k through this employer and, because of your separation, have received or will receive a lump sum payout or monthly payment from these accounts, you must say YES to the retirement pay question.


If you have received or are due any monies (other than wages for hours worked) from this employer in connection with your separation, please indicate which type of pay you have or will receive by clicking the appropriate check boxes.  If you have received pay in connection with your separation from this employer, but it cannot be accurately put into any of the categories listed, please click the check box next to ‘Other’.  


If you have not received and are not due any monies from this employer in connection with your separation, please click the check box next to ‘None’.


Once you are finished, click ‘Next’ to continue.


If you have potential employment you have not listed, a pop-up message will appear for you to verify your reported employment.  Click ‘No’ to provide additional employment information or click ‘Yes’ to move forward with your application process.



What are gross wages?

Gross Wages are your total earnings prior to any deductions, such as, but not limited to: taxes, insurance, child support, etc.


How do I calculate my hourly wage?

If you were not paid wages on an hourly basis, you can calculate your hourly pay rate by dividing the gross wages earned by the total number of hours worked for this employer.